“some of my boys said some people were planning on jumping you two but my boys sorted them for you trust me I got you two”
that’s the text we got from our fourteen year old gyspy friend this past week. what a week. filled with highs and lows and some twists and turns. the first three days of the week were exchange after exchange, it was a blast! i got to spend some time with elder Wilson from Texas and elder chick from australia. we knocked the chav towers. by the way I learned that chav stands for Council House and Violence, so we decided that’d be a good place to knock. the people were more humble there, and every door that didn’t answer got a law of chastity or word of wisdom Leaflet because god knows they need it.
lots of service this week which is great! it’s so nice to serve others because it allows me to forget about myself, and when I do that I’m so much happier!! we taught some good lessons this last week. our most solid friend dropped us and that was kind of hard, but I know we are doing all we can out here, it’s just hard sometimes.
i had the chance to check out President Nelsons Devotional to the youth and I think it applies to all of us! check it out and take his counsel seriously! treat it as if it came from the mouth of god himself, after all the lord said “whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.”
i also listened to a great talk by sister kearon, she said “Your Father in Heaven loves you, whoever you are, whatever you are struggling with. You are enough. You are enough. He loves you just the way you are, right here, right now, in all your beautiful messiness. But He also loves you enough not to let you stay the way you are right here, right now. He has much bigger plans for you! Don’t listen to the voices in your head--that may have been there from your childhood--that tell you you can’t change, you aren’t good enough, and you will fail yet again. Listen only to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit and “the pleasing word of God … which healeth the wounded soul” that confirm your infinite worth and God’s loving reassurance that you can do it.”
I testify that God is our loving Heavenly Father. He has so much in store for each of us. That catchy phrase, “I am a child of God”, is absolutely true. Let me be clear, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love each of you. No matter what, whether you’ve strayed off the path, or if you don’t even believe in them. I want it recorded in heaven that I testified to the people of England and all of you that I said in the simplest of terms, that God lives, his son Jesus Christ lives, and that their love is unfailing.
a major congrats to all the homies who graduated this past week! and an even bigger happy birthday to my awesome mom! thank you for all that you do, I love you! and I love each of you guys! don’t fredette that!
Elder Varner
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